Meet the 2024 AIA Pittsburgh Board President!
Name: Sean Sheffler, AIA
Firm: LGA Partners, LP
Family: Abby, Cooper (12), and Elena (9)
Years in practice: 24
Education: Penn State University
First job: I was a “floor guard” at the local roller skating rink.
Project you’re proudest of: The Barbour Library at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. We had the right client, the right team, and the right budget, and everything came together in a way that exceeded expectations.
What’s the most annoying thing architects do? Underbill for their services.
Favorite building: I don’t think I have one…? But I will say that finding Louis Sullivan’s initials in the ornamentation of his Carson Pirie Scott building was pretty close to a religious experience.
Favorite outdoor space: Millennium Park in Chicago.
What do you like to do when you’re not working? Drink craft beer, play golf, and sing karaoke. Just not all at the same time.
If you hadn’t become an architect, what would you have been? Probably a lot less self-critical. And better rested.
What’s on your Spotify? Lately, a lot of classic rock… I’m a big fan of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” soundtrack.
The secret to my success: I am tenacious to the point of being stubborn.
Advice to young architects: To quote Ted Lasso (and Walt Whitman), “Be curious, not judgmental.” Immerse yourself in your work, draw/ model as much as you can to help understand the building. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask questions – no one expects you to know things that you don’t know, but we do expect you to take charge of your own career.
Congratulations on the Presidency and your commitment to the AIA.
You’re following in great footsteps. My AIA term 1993.