- Almost 14,500 people visit the Build Pittsburgh pages on our website including people located in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia!
- Our program continues to hold strong with approximately 400 design/build professionals in attendance.
Attendee Survey Quotes
- “Good exposure to new products, manufacturers representatives, consultants, and networking.”
- “Gaining new information on Well Building, LEED for Homes Midrise, Passive House, and Energy Star was great. Peeking under the hood on 4 PNC was the icing on the cake.”
- “The sessions on leadership and team-building were extremely beneficial. I appreciated the fact that the conference looked beyond design and construction issues to the more “soft skills” that have an effect on everyday performance and interactions with co-workers and consultants.”
Additional Links & Resources
- View the social media buzz via Storify.
- Keep the conversation going and continue to share knowledge by viewing the 2015 presentations.
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