My days are overwhelmed with diapers and demands, reading stories and make believe, laughter and lullabies. I am a full-time, stay-at-home mother to two and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but some days I feel like my brain is about as substantive as the mush I am feeding my 10 month old son. I am also the editor of these pages, of AIA Pittsburgh’s online magazine, Columns. While my work schedule is nowhere near as disciplined as I would like, relying largely on the napping trends of the aforementioned babes, sitting down to my laptop and getting lost in this world is a welcome reprieve, a chance to continue to put my art and design background, as well as my love of writing, to good use.
Most of the country will be sitting down to a feast this Thursday, celebrating Thanksgiving, and I can think of no better time to extend my thanks to the architectural community of which I have become a part over the last seven years. It is an exciting and ever-changing place, and getting to watch the progress of individuals as well as firms grow and evolve as they impact and positively influence this city is continuously a joy. With each passing day, I have a more and more vested interest in this city thriving, this city that my children will grow up calling ‘home’. And witnessing this growth from behind the scenes, from the eyes of the architects themselves gives me a deeper appreciation of what makes Pittsburgh so very special. It also provides me with a better understanding with which to teach my children, to explain to them not just the ‘what’ but often the ‘why’.
This new website (and digital magazine) has been active for about nine months now. In that time, AIA Pittsburgh has spent many, many hours and much energy into working out the kinks and providing the best interface for you, the member/site user/visitor. We want the information we have to offer to be as easy for you to access as possible, as well as worthwhile and intriguing. But this isn’t a passive role for you. For us to thrive, we need your input. What’s working? What isn’t? What would you like to see more of? Please, let us know so we can keep doing what we do. In the meantime, keeping doing what you do – create, grow, flourish. And in so doing, accept my deepest thanks.