“When people begin their search for an architect, they call our office, and we direct them to our website.” So says AIA Pittsburgh executive director Anne Swager, Hon. AIA. And it is why the organization has been working ceaselessly with its Board of Directors and web developers to create a member directory worthy of its members.
After years of discussion and months of hard work, AIA Pittsburgh launched a much-needed new website in 2012. It was light-years beyond its predecessor, a well-considered and well-designed landing spot for both architects and for the general public looking to learn more about the value of architectural services. But the organization knew it was still a work in progress, and that there was still more to do. One of the big items that remained on the wish list at that time was the member directory, a way to capture member firm information so that the public could easily access it. AIA Pittsburgh promotes the importance of good design, and what better way to ‘walk the walk’ than to make sure that those who need it are able to be put in contact with good designers? AIA Pittsburgh is pleased to announce that its member firm directory is now up and running!
What Now?
The Member Firm Directory features local member architects including sole practitioners and small, medium, and large firms, as long as at least one principal is an AIA member in good standing. Each listing provides information about your firm including a space for your firm’s mission or background information, all necessary contact information, and a dropdown menu list of projects and building types you or your firm may specialize in. Users may search by keyword so be sure that your profile contains an appropriate description of your firm’s capabilities.
…Or elevate your profile to a Signature Firm! The Signature Firm listing offers benefits beyond those received by individual members. To be eligible, at least 75% of your firm’s registered architects must be AIA Members as well as include a policy, when applicable, to promote intern/associate participation with the AIA. When you apply and are approved as an AIA Pittsburgh Signature Firm, your listing will recognize this elevated status via the Signature Firm badge and allow you to display a portfolio of images within your online directory listing. To learn more and view the full benefits of registering for the Member Firm Directory, visit our directories’ landing page.
The Member Directory was announced earlier this month at our President’s Holiday Party, but will not be announced to the general public until January 2016. Make sure your name and firm are among those listed when that happens! Check out the new Directory and register today.