September is back-to-school so get to work on those design boards which are due the 21st. This month, the CRAN Symposium will be held in Miami. Watch for a report from CRAN chair Mary Cerrone, AIA if you can’t attend. Also, consider submitting to present Pecha Kucha night, Design Pittsburgh edition. PechaKucha Night Pittsburgh 20 x 20 Vol.28 will be held October 12th.
Pecha Kucha Call for Proposals
Please email the following information to AIA Pittsburgh by midnight on Thursday, September 14th.
1) 3-4 images that best represent the content of your proposed presentation. It can be on absolutely anything!
2) Your name, the title of your presentation, and a brief outline.
3) A brief artist statement, or bio, to be used for promotional purposes.
AIA Pittsburgh Board of Directors Meeting
Join AIA Pittsburgh’s Board of Directors for an open board meeting at 925 Liberty Avenue, Suite 700, September 19the from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Design Pittsburgh 2017 is here!
Through exhibits and events, a variety of audiences have the potential to gain an understanding of an architect’s expertise, and we need our members to help us accomplish this! So when you submit for a design award this year, please commit to attending events and support this year’s program.
September 21 – Design Boards must be received by AIA Pittsburgh Office.
2017 Women’s Leadership Summit: Creating Tailwinds
September 14-16 – Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, D.C.
The Women’s Leadership Summit 2017 is a two-day event focused on supporting women architects, creating new paths to leadership, and providing a forum to recognize and champion their work.
CRAN Symposium in Miami: September 16-19 – 2017
The annual gathering of the top custom residential architects follows the completely sold-out Sonoma Symposium last year. The CRAN Symposium includes the popular Home Tour where we will visit several contemporary and period homes in the Miami area and engaging education sessions, such as a discussion of Alfred Browning Parker’s works and a panel on rising water.
Residential work from CRAN Components around the country will be showcased at a reception on Saturday, September 16. The work from our Pittsburgh contingent will be displayed during this reception and additionally may be used at the 2018 AIA National Conference. Submit as many as 5 images of your work. Learn more and contact Mary Cerrone, AIA with questions.
2017 AIA Compensation Report and Updated Salary Calculator
Newly updated for 2017, the biannual AIA Compensation Report gives you access to salary data for 39 architecture firm positions in 26 states, 25 metro areas, and 17 cities.
See how your salary stacks up with this free, easy-to-use salary calculator that instantly delivers mean and median salary for key architectural staff positions, from CEO to emerging professional, sorted by region or firm size.