The Pitt Architectural Studies Program is excited to host the second year of its summer program for local high school students. For four weeks in July, 24 area high schoolers will meet on Pitt’s campus to learn about architecture through experience, design, and making. Walking tours of Oakland and surrounding neighborhoods, visits to construction sites, and tours of local landmarks will broaden the students’ perspectives. Discussions with design professionals and studio visits will give them a sense of what it is like to practice. This program seeks a diverse student body, with a focus on minority inclusion and recruitment from schools and districts in and adjacent to the city. Instructors include Pitt faculty, current undergraduate students, and professional architects. Pitt’s summer design studio is made possible by grants from the Office of the Chancellor at the University of Pittsburgh and the Grable foundation and donations from firms and individuals. It will be offered free of charge to all students. More information can be found on the website: https://www.arch.pitt.edu/experiencing-architecture
We seek the support of practicing professionals and firms to make the summer program a success. Last year’s supporters included RD Collab, IKM, MCF Architecture, Strada, and PJ Dick. Firms offered studio or construction tours, and individual professionals served as reviewers for desk crits and presentations. If you or your firm is interested in participating, please reach out to program coordinator and lead instructor, Sara Pettit AIA at stp85@pitt.edu. If you would like to make a tax-deductible financial contribution to grow the program and keep it affordable and accessible for all students, you can do so at this link.