PechaKucha Night Pittsburgh vol. 12 was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended, presented, and enjoyed, and thank you to the Union Project for hosting us!
We had a total of nine presenters, each with a unique presentation. The first presenter was Brigette Davitt, and her presentation was entitled “Chimera”. The second presenter of the evening was Mike Roy, whose presentation was entitled “Do Worse to Do Better”. Third up was Raymond Bowman, a member of the Young Architects Forum, presenting his “Electric Cars and Roadside Architecture”. The last presentation before intermission was Mike Schiller, CEO of the Green Building Alliance. His presentation was entitled “Paddling Upstream: A Look at the Challenges of Connecting the Outdoor Spaces We Love With Healthier Places to Live and Work”.
After the intermission, we enjoyed four more presenters. The sixth presenter of the evening was Sam Wilson, presenting his “Epic Small”. Next up was Bill Kemp, whose presentation was entitled “Vision-casting for Nonprofits”. Following Bill was Eric Fisher, AIA, who presented “All the Animals”. Last but not least was Shelly Ni, presenting “SOS PGH”.
Take a look at the photos below to catch glimpses of a wonderful evening. Join us for the next PechaKucha Night on October 4th at the Cultural Trust Education Center.
[sws_aia_slideshow AIA_Slideshow=”[portfolio_slideshow size=custom height=440 centered=true carousel=true navpos=disabled pagerstyle=thumbs pagerpos=bottom slideheight=450]”] [/sws_aia_slideshow]Interested in presenting at the next PechaKucha Night? Contact Erin Raff at