April was a busy month here at AIA Pittsburgh. While May is a little calmer, don’t be fooled – there are plenty of events in the works! Looking to get involved? How about a social outing? YAF is hosting their annual Pirates tailgate this month. Or possibly you’re heading to Philadelphia for the AIA Conventional? And don’t forget about the AIA +2030 Series – Session 2 is this month, with more sessions to follow. Enjoy the warmer weather and longer days and check back often for new opportunities.
AIA Increases Focus on Research – AIA is making a renewed commitment to research. With the release of the Practice-Relevant Research Roadmap, the AIA seeks to 1) increase research literacy, 2) enable and support research, and 3) celebrate research. If you want to play a role in implementing these goals, contact us to learn more.
May 3 – YAF Annual Pirate Tailgate and Game: Join YAF to watch the Pirates take on the Chicago Cubs.
May 17 – AIA +2030 Session 2 – Getting to 70: The Power of Targets + Load Reduction: This session will explore the use of EPA’s Target Finder (ENERGY STAR) as a design target and reference tool, and metrics critical to the target setting exercise, such as Energy Use Intensity (EUI). The session will include multiple examples of projects that have achieved exemplary energy performance by setting and pursuing energy targets, offer tested approaches for incorporating targets into the design process, and explore how providing targeting and EUI information can be a value-added service for a design firm. Earn 4LU/HSW Hours and 4 GBCI CEUs per session.
May 19-21 – 2016 AIA Convention: Join fellow architects from all over the country in Philadelphia to attend workshops, take educational tours, listen to keynote addresses, and talk with industry experts.
May 25 – YAF Steering Committee Meeting
May 30 – AIA Pittsburgh offices closed in observance of Memorial Day.
May 31 – Academy of Architecture for Health 2016 Call for Papers deadline: Submit articles, innovative project case studies, completed research projects, and monographs in the field of healthcare design.