It’s a new year, a time to start over, a reset. How will you take advantage of this yearly opportunity? Did you make a resolution? How about to be more involved, more active, more engaged? Join one of AIA Pittsburgh’s committees or knowledge communities and make your voice heard! AIA Pittsburgh has eight active committees. Member participation – your ideas and input – is what makes this organization great. There are also the local Knowledge Communities which help make it easy to connect with your colleagues who share your same interests. Think about whether or not the Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) or the Technology in Architectural Practice (TAP) communities are a good fit for you. And finally, AIA National Convention 2016 is being held in Philadelphia this May. Consider attending Convention and become involved on a national level while helping represent the Keystone State.
Volunteer at the AIA Convention in Philadelphia and attend the conference for free!
AIA Membership Campaign – Don’t forget to join or renew now!
January 11 – ARE Review Series: Structural Systems
January 19 – 2016 AIA COTE Top Ten / Top Ten + Awards Submission Deadline: The AIA Committee On The Environment (COTE) Top Ten / Top Ten + Awards program recognizes exemplary and innovative, built projects that establish a standard of over-all design excellence creatively integrating sustainable design strategies, demonstrating their benefits while educating and inspiring the profession and the public. Past AIA COTE Top Ten Award winners with actual performance data for a minimum of one year are eligible for The AIA COTE Top Ten + Award.
January 21 – YAF Steering Committee: Join YAF for their first steering committee meeting of 2016!