AIA Pittsburgh is offering a series of lunchtime sessions throughout 2021 to provide information, strategies, and tips for being a successful architect and running a successful architecture practice. These free sessions are original programming for our Chapter members and community and will include a Q&A.
Access the recordings of past sessions below and stay tuned for more Business of Architecture Session announcements!
How to Win AEC Projects: Tailoring Your Presentations and Conversations for Virtual, In-Person or Hybrid Settings
June 30, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Would you ever build a building the way you build an interview, designing, building, and strategizing all at once? In construction you build from a blueprint, with a clear hierarchy of leadership. But interview prep is designed by committee, often with no clear phasing between strategy, message design, and delivery.
Let’s sequence this out so that strategic thinking results in a blueprint that gets executed. You’re doing the interview a specific way for specific reasons, above all to differentiate your brand. This presentation explores the three phases of interview prep, and how they vary between live, virtual, and the socially distanced hybrid. Learn what it takes to drive a consistent strategic approach from start to finish. You can’t favor what makes people feel comfortable. You’re interviewing to win. This session will reveal:
- Why in-person, virtual and hybrid interviews need unique strategies
- What strategic failures you make in interview prep that you’d never make on the job
- Why your marketing professionals are your secret weapon
Presented by Dean Lincoln Hyers of Sage Presence, a speaker, trainer, and communication coach who specializes in helping business professionals project bold “stage presence” under pressure.
View the recording here
Insider Tips for Winning Design Award Submissions
June 21, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Award juries are presented with dozens of projects and have just minutes to assess them all. They can only judge the work by what is presented to them, so make sure your project attributes shine through!
- Gain valuable insights from a multi-time juror and jury Chair, Mike Gwin, AIA, of Rothschild Doyno Collaborative.
- Get professional tips on photography and image presentation from award-winning architecture photographer, Ed Massery.
- Learn about common submission mistakes and jury feedback from AIA Pittsburgh Executive Director, Michelle Fanzo.
View the recording here
How to Save Money for Retirement and Plan the Future You Want
June 10, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Retirement means having the freedom to do what we find most fulfilling and sound retirement planning lays that foundation. Establishing a retirement plan for a business can increase its value and help retain and attract quality employees. In this session you will learn about the various plans appropriate for different business sizes and structures, as well as how breaking down future goals into small, manageable steps can make a path to retirement planning attainable.
From setup through administration, the Members Retirement Program gives AIA members access to a dedicated professional experienced in retirement planning. This Webinar tells you what steps to take to plan for your financial health. It is never too early to develop a strategy for the future you want!