It’s been a hot summer, and whether you find yourself shaking the sand out of your flip flops or daydreaming while staring out at that clear blue sky, it’s time to find your focus and start thinking about Design Awards. Entries, for both local and national design competitions, are due towards the end of August. There’s also a BBQ/House Tour you won’t want to miss and AIA Pittsburgh’s Annual Meeting – “Adapt, Survive, and Thrive” – where we’ll be looking at the profession and how recent changes – both external and internal – have impacted the foreseeable future.
August 14 – YAF Steering Committee Meeting: Join AIA Pittsburgh’s YAF for the monthly steering committee meeting. Learn all about what this dynamic community has up its sleeve for the year, and help shape the future!
August 16 – BBQ on Beechwood: Join AIA Pittsburgh’s YAF and the Green Building Alliance for a tour of Lou and Amy Weiss’ home as we barbecue burgers and lean back with a beer, taking in the expansive valley view.
August 23 – Design Pittsburgh Submission Kit Request Forms are due.
August 24 – Deadline for the Institute Honor Awards: The Institute Honor Awards celebrate the best in contemporary American architecture. The awards recognize achievements in a range of architectural activity, covering categories that include Architecture, Interior Architecture, Regional and Urban Architecture, and the Twenty-five Year Award. Find details online.
August 29 – CRAN Meeting
August 30 – Annual Membership Meeting and Design Pittsburgh submissions due: AIA Pittsburgh comes together at the Chatham Village Clubhouse to discuss business and enjoy the surroundings of 2011 Timeless Award winner, Chatham Village. Be sure to bring your Design Award submissions with you, as staff will be on hand to collect them.
Thinking ahead…
September 6 – 9 – CRAN Symposium 2012: The Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) will hold its 5th annual symposium on September 6 through 9 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Newport, Rhode Island. The three-day symposium addresses elevating the art of residential design and practice. Find details and register online.