Building Information Modeling (BIM) has changed the way the construction industry interacts and communicates internally. Project plans have moved beyond two-dimensional design to multi-dimensional models that have parametric capabilities. The American Institute of Architects has commenced an effort to evaluate the continued development and adoption of BIM and the impact it has on contracts. As part of this effort, AIA is updating its BIM and Digital Practice documents for use on construction projects involving digital data or BIM, and have made the updated documents available for public comment. The feedback received will help to deliver the most relevant and complete documents possible.
During this unique opportunity, the draft documents are available for review through the AIA Contract Documents website. After downloading the documents, users are asked to provide feedback both by completing a short survey and by providing detailed comments and recommendations. You are also afforded the opportunity to provide section-by-section comments on the documents.
The updated BIM and related Digital Practice documents will help create a guideline for working with BIM and for addressing other digital practices. They will also address many issues that may arise throughout a project and reduce barriers that often hinder BIM adoption. The updated BIM/ Digital Practice documents consist of:
·AIA Document E203–2012, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit
·AIA Document G201–2012, Project Digital Data Protocol Form
·AIA Document G202–2012, Project Building Information Modeling Protocol Form
The draft documents are currently available for download and open to public comments until approximately September 24. Following the comment period, AIA Contract Documents will begin reviewing user feedback and incorporating suggested changes, where appropriate. Please visit to download the documents. Please note that these documents are not finalized. They will not be available for sale until all editing and finalization has taken place.